Perancangan Robot Maze Solving Berbasis Arduino

Rahmad Doni(1*), Muhammad Reza Fahlevi(2), Elvin Syahrin(3),

(1) Universitas Potensi Utama
(2) Universitas Potensi Utama
(3) Universitas Potensi Utama
(*) Corresponding Author


The maze solving robot is the development of the line follower robot. Where the robot can trace a path that has an intersection, in tracing a maze, apart from finding a way out / finish, it will be more efficient if the robot can find a shorter path through the maze. From the maze samples made, the robot can explore a maze and find the shortest path. When the mapping process is carried out, the robot traces 12 path codes; after the path simplification process is carried out, the robot can shorten the path it takes to 6.

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