Analisis Konsumsi Energi Listrik Pelanggan Dan Biaya Pokok Produksi Penyediaan Energi Listrik dengan Machine Learning

Raditya Hari Nugraha(1*), Eko Yuwono(2), Latif Prasetyohadi(3), Yanuardhi Arief B(4), Harry Patria(5),

(1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
(2) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
(3) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
(4) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
(5) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
(*) Corresponding Author


PT PLN (Persero) during the Covid-19 pandemic was one of the companies whose sales growth was affected by the decline in electricity consumption in several sectors. Another condition is that several power plant and substation construction projects have fulfilled the realization commitment to the RUPTL from PT PLN (Persero). This has resulted in PT PLN (Persero) being faced with an over supply condition between power capacity and customer usage load. Realization of sales growth until July 2021 was 4.44% (144,788 TWh). Energy consumption in July 2021 was 20.55 TWh where the growth of kWh sales in July 2021 comparing with July 2020 began to show a recovery of +1.82%. The factor that most affected business and industrial growth was the manufacturing sector in Indonesia experiencing a slowdown/contraction as reflected in the PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) which decreased from 53.5 to 40.1. Growth is strongly influenced by consumer behavior in responding to government regulations, especially related to controlling the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia in the form of restrictions on social activities (PSBB, PPKM, or Lockdown) which have been effectively implemented since April 2020 until now. Based on the analysis of the customer's electrical energy consumption data per industrial sector, as well as using technical data on the availability of power per electrical sub-system and the cost of producing electrical energy in an area, an evaluation model will be obtained that can be used in selecting the criteria for prospective customers who will be given program offers "SEMAKIN PRODUKTIF". By using "SEMAKIN PRODUKTIF" program data modeling, it is hoped that prospective customers will be given program offers so that they can be an opportunity to increase sales growth of electrical energy which is targeted to grow 6% in December 2021

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