Pemanfaatan Dan Pemilihan Mainan Edukasi Anak Usia Dini Yang Baik Sesuai Didikan Islami Di Era Generasi Milenial

Risnawati Risnawati, Uswatun Hasanah, Neni Mulyani


A good environment and education will familiarize children with good deeds and vice versa. As wealth, having children is also a pleasure and pleasure for every parent. But what must be considered is how to be able to process the test as well as possible, especially in the current millennial generation era where the virtual world seems more real than the real world, communication between children and parents is not a little stretched even influenced by freedom cultures in outside the limits of religious tolerance. Based on these problems parents should be able to use and choose children's educational toys that are good in accordance with Islamic education in order to get positive values that will produce goodness. To produce the best children's educational toys according to Islamic education, the researchers collaborated on the mechanism of using the Decision Support System with the TOPSIS Method. The criteria that have been determined are Benefits, Security, Content, and quality. Based on the criteria that have been determined then there must be various alternatives chosen, namely Laptop Toys, Smart Hafiz, Children's Tablets, Apple Quran, and Iqro Beams. After using the TOPSIS method, it will be found the best educational toys according to Islamic education

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