Analisis Pemilihan Tempat Pembuangan Limbah Medis Menggunakan Metode Topsis

Muhammad Ardiansyah Sembiring, Donni Nasution, Mustika Fitri larasati Sibuea


Various types of medical waste produced from service activities in hospitals can endanger and cause health problems, especially during collection, sorting, shelter, storage, transportation and destruction and final disposal. In terms of disposal of medical waste, most existing hospitals work with other companies in the processing and disposal of their medical waste because there is no official medical waste disposal site available. With the above problems, the researchers are interested in conducting a research process to assist the relevant agencies in finding a solution to determine the location of appropriate disposal of medical waste through the application of information technology. The method used in this study is the TOPSIS (Technique for Others Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method, which is one method in the Decision Support System (SPK). Based on the results and previous discussion, it can be concluded that Mandoge is the main choice in choosing the right place as a place for disposal of medical waste because it has the necessary criteria. Therefore the application of the topsis method can help determine good alternatives in a decision-making system for selecting the best Medical Waste disposal sites.

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