Implementasi E-Learning Sebagai Media Alternatif Pembelajaran Pada AMIK Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Abdullah Ahmad, Muhammad Dedi Sukma, Sri Utami, Dyah Ayu Safitri, Robby Maulana, Widodo Syahputra


Electronic learning (E-Learning) is a learning method that utilizes the provision of information that can be accessed from anywhere, strong search system capabilities, rich interaction, full support for effective learning and performance based assessments. E-learning has characteristics independent of place and time. Learning methods in AMIK Tunas Pematangsiantar require alternative learning models that do not have characteristics depending on location and time, one of which is to become a learning method that is in accordance with the current pandemic conditions. In addition to the level of proficiency, alternative models are also expected to provide knowledge sharing facilities and knowledge visualization so that knowledge becomes more interesting and easier to understand. This learning information system was built to be run online through the internet using web facilities. The e-learning information system was chosen because it can be used without being time dependent and can be accessed with electronic devices that support the internet, browsers, even though smartphone devices. Today's web is an open source information system that is easy to develop. The E-Learning Information System is implemented using the PHP programming language using the using the MySql database.

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