Aplikasi Pendaftaran Pembimbing Ospek Pada AMIK Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Mhd. Alfauzy, Widodo Syahputra, Elby Ayu Wulandary, Nella Pryanti Pasaribu, Mochammad Ramadhan, Charlie Lesmana Hutabarat


In the current 4.0 revolution, information and communication technology is developing very rapidly with a variety of software that is created to modern hardware. This progress is in line with the development of computer technology from time to time. We can see in various aspects of life for example to communicate with people in the outside world simply by using email or online media that are connected to the internet and go to the intended webpage so that for all activities that we do become easy and efficient. This website can facilitate the candidates the supervisor in registering because it is quite connected to the internet only, and registration can be done anywhere and anytime. The purpose of this study was to create an application for prospective supervisors and prospective supervisors using the PHP websaite programming language with a MySQL database. It is hoped that this research will be useful to facilitate the performance of the PMB (New Student Reception) committee and improve the quality of service at the agency.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30645/senaris.v2i0.170


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