Analisa Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Perkuliahan Daring Pada Era Pandemi Covid 19

Irmawati Carolina, Adi Supriyatna, Diah Puspitasari


This research aims to know level of student satisfaction with online lectures during the corona virus pandemic (COVID-19). The level of student satisfaction with online learning is limited to aspects of teaching and learning, including the ability of lecturers, facilities and infrastructure. Retrieval of data in this study using a questionnaire, while the data analysis used is Pearson Product Moment and Alpha Cronbach Correlation Test. The validity test shows that the validity of the questionnaire satisfaction from the online lecture process test can be declared valid, calculating all indicators/variables r to a total score greater than table r (0.167) with a significance level of 5%. While testing the reliability with a significance level of 5%, it showed that the satisfaction of the student sample questionnaire had a high level of reliability with an Apha value of 0.198.

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