Analisa Algoritma SHA-256 Untuk Mendeteksi Orisinalitas Citra Digital

Imam Saputra, Surya Darma Nasution


In the digital era, changing human habits, one of the changing habits is in applying for someone's job. Before the digital era, applying for a job by sending an application to the address of the destination company. In the digital era, as now, applying for jobs can be done boldly, and sent in softcopy. This softcopy file forms a digital image that can be easily manipulated. How would it be difficult for the receiving committee to determine the original file with the manipulated a file. With the existing questions, we need a technique that can be used to request the originality of the job application file. One technique that can be used is the hash function that exists in cryptography. The hash function is a one-way function that can be used to find a message. If applied to digital images, the originality of the image can be recognized. The algorithm in the hash function used is Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA256) until now this algorithm cannot be solved by cryptanalysts. By applying the Secure Hash Algorithm 256 algorithm, it will make it easier and faster to access the originality of digital images.

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