Optimasi Distribusi Pakan Ternak Pokhpand Menggunakan Metode Saving Matrix

Mas Ayoe Elhias Nst, Syahril Efendi, Ratih Puspasari, Helmi Kurniawan


PT. Charoen Phokpand is engaged in the production of animal feed and its factory is located in the North Sumatra region. The problems faced by this company have problems in planning the distribution of animal feed to all regions that are not optimal. In the process of delivery is carried out by trucks that are sent to each region or province in the Sumatra region. The problem is that the transportation capacity has not been maximized because this company does not have its own truck vehicle so that the transportation capacity has not been optimized. With the application of the saving matrix method, it can help optimize the animal feed distribution system throughout the province, so that the distribution process becomes smooth and maximal. The purpose of this research is to obtain a route for animal feed delivery using trucks that is more optimal and maximal and can also minimize the cost of animal feed distribution, so that it can save distribution costs and can calculate the distribution cost savings. This study discusses how to distribute animal feed and how to optimize distribution distances in order to minimize distribution costs using the Saving matrix method. The results of this study indicate that the cost generated during the week is around Rp. / 7,860,000 in 4 routes.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30645/senaris.v4i2.223


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