Implementasi Metode Topsis Dalam Penentuan Kelas Siswa Tunagrahita

Ommi Alfina, Fitriana Harahap


Children with special needs are children born with special needs that are different from humans in general so they need special services. Someone with intellectual barriers has been ensured that he is a person with mental retardation. In general, mentally retarded children are children who have deficiencies in terms of intellectual function in real terms and together with that it also has an impact on deficiencies in terms of adaptive behavior. Children have the right and opportunity to develop according to their potential, especially in the field of education. "Children who have physical or mental disabilities are given equal opportunities and accessibility to get an ordinary / extraordinary education." Handling the learning of mentally retarded children depends on the difficulties experienced by each individual. The role of the teacher in handling this is very important. Teachers as mentors in class need to view mentally retarded students with varying conditions about their potential or abilities individually. This study aims to apply the TOPSIS method in determining the class of mentally retarded students. The Topsis method is able to provide the best alternative with assessment criteria so that the results to be achieved will immediately be able to determine the class according to the individual abilities of mentally retarded students.

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