Penerapan Algoritma C4.5 pada Penentuan Tingkat Pemahaman Mahasiswa Terhadap Matakuliah

Nurul Rofiqo, Agus Perdana Windarto, Eka Irawan


This study aims to classify the level of understanding of students at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar. STIKOM Tunas Bangsa is one of the private universities in North Sumatra that is engaged in the field of computer science. In carrying out lecture activities, students are required to understand each lecture material provided by the lecturer. There are several things that can affect the level of understanding of students in receiving lecture material. The data source was obtained from the results of the fifth semester and seven student questionnaires in the STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Information System department. Attributes used are as many as five, namely communication, learning atmosphere, learning media, appearance and how to teach. The method used in the research is C4.5 Algorithm and assisted by RapidMiner software to make decision trees. From the results of the study, there were 14 rules for classification in determining the level of understanding with 9 rules, the best status and 5 rules did not understand. C4.5 algorithm can be used in the case of determining the level of understanding of students at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa with an accuracy rate of 87.10%. With this analysis it is expected to be a motivation for students to be able to understand the course well.

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