Model Aturan Klasifikasi Minat Mahasiswa Berwirausaha dengan Algoritma Naive Bayes

Wiwiek Katrina, Agus Perdana Windarto, Dedy Hartama, Saifullah Saifullah


This study aims to determine student interest in entrepreneurship and make entrepreneurship as one of the student activity organizations on campus outside the compulsory subject to create opportunities for a work in the form of innovative ideas. The parameters used in determining student interest in entrepreneurship are social prestige, personal challenges, being a boss, innovation and profit. The data used by giving questionnaires to students of STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar odd semester. Based on the research that has been done by the author using the Naive Bayes method on student interest in entrepreneurship produces a value of 93.98%, while the prediction of not interest produces a value of 41.18%. This research is expected to be able to help STIKOM Tunas Bangsa student affairs parties in increasing active student organizations such as entrepreneurship.

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