Analisa Faktor Dominan Mahasiswa Kesulitan Memahami Bahasa Pemrograman Menggunakan Metode C4.5

P.P.P.A.N.W Fikrul Ilmi R.H Zer, Dedy Hartama, Sundari Retno Andani


Students' understanding of teaching and learning is determined by academic performance and lecturers who give teachings to students. Among them is the education of programming languages. Programming language is one of the main subjects at AMIK Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar. Many students buy programs in the final project so that students have difficulty answering questions from examiners n during the trial. The statement of students in difficulty understanding different programming languages. The factors used in the study are lecturer factors, programming language factors, facility factors, lab assistant factors and interest factors. The purpose of this study is to provide academic decision makers in taking solutions to overcome this. The method used in this study is Classification using the C4.5 method as many as 90 data. The results of the study have an accuracy of 84.44% with a Factor Interest is the highest factor in the analysis and Lecturer Factors as the highest factor of students who do not understand the category of Good and Less. It can be concluded that academics provide good education and provide motivation for dynamic programming languages to keep up with the times, especially in the industrial world. With the results of this study, it contributed greatly to AMIK Tunas Bangsa in making decisions to minimize students buying programs. Academic success in educating students is by giving students an acceptable degree in the industry in accordance with the education and teaching provided.

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