Analisis Metode K-Medoid Pada Kasus Obesitas Balita Menurut Privinsi Di Indonesia

Karmila Karmila, Agus Perdana Windarto, M Fauzan


Obesity is a physical condition in the form of excess body fat that accumulates in such a way that it has a detrimental effect on health, which then increases health problems and decreases life expectancy. Obesity in children under five is caused by genetic factors, excessive diet and lack of activity. In contrast to adults, the child's weight in cases of obesity should not be reduced, because heavy shrinkage will simultaneously eliminate the nutrients needed for growth. In this study the data used was sourced from the Central Statistics Agency. The aim of the study was to determine the high and low number of cases of obesity in infants under the province using k-medoids. In Indonesia the high obesity rate consists of 25 provinces and low obesity rates consist of 9 provinces. It is hoped that this research can provide input to the government in improving socialization about the dangers of obesity in infants, so that it can increase the life expectancy of toddlers in Indonesia.

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