Penerapan Algoritma K-Means dalam Mengkluster Persentase Rumah Tangga yang Memiliki Komputer Berdasarkan Provinsi

Lamhot Fransiskus Humahorbo, Sundari Retno Andani, Dedi Suhendro


The development of computers is no stranger to the among of people in the modern era, the easier it is to find and obtain information with various means of information that we need to support various activities carried out, both from newspapers, books, and the internet through computers. Households have computers that in fact are a family sphere which consists of fathers, mothers and children who own or have a computer (PC) in a household. But from the percentage data of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) 2012-2016 in the provinces and rural areas in Indonesia, it shows that there are still many and there are no lines of urban and rural areas that are up to 50% or only a few urban lines that are close to the percentage of the number of households has a computer that has been recorded. In this study the author discusses the Application of the K-Means Algorithm in clustering the percentage of households that have computers where data is obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The criteria used are, for example, urban and rural areas. The usefulness of this method is to enter data into a cluster which consists of 3 clusters namely High, Medium and Low. Each data that has the same characteristics is grouped into one and the same cluster and data that has different characteristics are grouped into other groups. It is expected that this analysis can be an input for the government, especially the provinces that are the lowest cluster in the interest of households have computers to get a better evaluation review.

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