Analisis K-Medoids Clustering Dalam Pengelompokkan Data Imunisasi Campak Balita di Indonesia

Siti Sundari, Irfan Sudahri Damanik, Agus Perdana Windarto, Heru Satria Tambunan, Jalaluddin Jalaluddin, Anjar Wanto


Measles is a contagious infections disease that attacks children caused by a virus. Transmission of measles from people through coughing and sneezing. Measles causes disability and death, so further threatment is needed. Measles immunization program that can inhibit the development of measles is one of the efforts in eradicating the disease. In this study the data used were sourced from the Central Statistics Agency National in 2013-2017. This study uses datamining techniques in data processing with K-Medoids algorithm. The K-Medoids method is a clustering method that functions to break datasets into groups. The advantages of this method are the ability to overcome the weaknesses of the K-Means method which is sensitive to outliers. Another advantage of this algorithm is that the results of the clustering process do not depend on the entry sequence of the dataset. The k-medoids clustering method can be applied to the data on the percentage of measles immunization can be identified based on province, so that the grouping of provinces based on these data. From the data grouping three clusters are obtained: low cluster (2 provinces), medium cluster (30 provinces) and high cluster (2 provinces) with the percentage of measles immunization in each of these provinces from data grouping in percentage. It is expected this research can provide information to the govermant about the data on grouping measles immunization for toddlers in Indonesia which has an impact on the distribution of immunization against measles toddlers in Indonesia.

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