Analisa Pemilihan Sales Terbaik di PT. Enseval Putera Megatreding Tbk, Pematangsiantar dengan metode Profil Matching

Suharyadi Suharyadi, Saifullah Saifullah, Eka Irawan, Riski Sundari


Abstract-Sales is the ability of a sales person to sell, which includes the process of selling that comes from the first step to the execution of a sale. So the understanding of sales person or salesmen here is an individual who offers a product in a sales process. In this case sometimes the leaders are confused in determining the best sales at PT ENSEVAL PUTERA MEGATRADING Tbk, Pematang Siantar. This study uses Profile Matching method. This report discusses the selection of the best SALES in PT ENSEVAL PUTERA MEGATRADING Tbk, Pematang Siantar Then calculates consistency using the Profile Matching method. If the consistent value is produced consistently, it can be used as a reference to rank the best sales at PT ENSEVAL PUTERA MEGATRADING Tbk, Pematang Siantar. For the results of all tests can be generated that it is easier to determine the best sales, and become input to the management in lifting the best sales to become permanent employees.

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