Penerapan Algoritma Horspool pada Aplikasi Katalog Buku Perpustakaan

Fince Tinus Waruwu, Rivalri Kristianto Hondro


The library is a place that provides various types of reading books as reference material for students, students, educators and the general public. The library certainly provides various types of books that are different according to their needs. Finding books that are needed in a library with a large number of books certainly takes a long time and energy. In supporting library services and providing convenience for visitors, an application is built that helps visitors find the books they need to not need a long time and effort. In the book catalog application it is necessary to apply a search algorithm (string matching). Search algorithms help enders in finding the books they need. The search algorithm applied to the library book catalog application is the Horspool algorithm. Horspool algorithm is one algorithm that is widely used in the search process. By applying the Horspool algorithm in the library book catalog application can be faster and facilitate the process of finding the title of the book.

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