Memprediksi Penghasilan Bulan Berikutnya Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy Tsukamoto Pada Ternak Ayam Potong (Bloiler) Buntu Atas

Muhammad Aliyul Amri, Apriyadi Apriyadi, Syafitri Warda Ningsih, Anju Vlaudya Sinaga, Surmaya Santi


Chicken livestock is an animal farm that is growing in the district. Panei of North Sumatra. Cut chicken is the most common in livestock by the community, because the demand for the production of broiler chicken is always increasing rapidly every month. Most breeders have difficulty calculating income in the following month, because the following month's income can support the productivity of future chicken. In order to overcome this problem, artificial intelligence systems such as Fuzzy Tsukamoto are needed. This fuzzy Tsukamoto method was chosen because each consequence of the rules in the form of IF-THEN is represented by using a fuzzy set of monotonous membership functions and can help farmers to calculate their maximum income every month. The results of the Tsukamoto fuzzy method are in the form of a calculation that generates the following month's income on the Buntu Above Breeds that are prioritized in order to help farmers advance their business.

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