Analisis Dan Pemodelan Posisi Access Point Pada Jaringan Wi-Fi Menggunakan Metode Simulate Annealing

Anjar Wanto(1*), Jaya T Hardinata(2), Herlan F Silaban(3), Widodo Saputra(4),

(1) AMIK Tunas Bangsa
(2) STIKOM Tunas Bangsa
(3) USU
(4) AMIK Tunas Bangsa
(*) Corresponding Author


Laying the position of the access point on the Wi-Fi network in a room is needed to optimize the signal strength received from the transmitter to the receiver. The parameters that determine the performance of the access point is the value of the signal strength. Strong or weak a signal access point will be affected by distance and barriers that exist between the access point and a client that accesses the access point. This study has been performed several simulations in multiple rooms are placed the access point to the receiver. The parameters used to measure the signal strength using inSSIDer applications that generate value RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) of a transmitter to the receiver and barriers (barriers) that may influence the strength of the signal. From this research strength of the signal received by the receiver not only in pengaruhui by the distance between accespoint to the recipient, but rather influenced by barriers (barriers) which is in a room. From the results of the research are expected to be able to obtain appropriate modeling to optimize access point placement position using the Simulate annealing method.

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